Rabu, 17 September 2008

My Last in Indosat


Dear all employees of Indosat gallery

My Last in Indosat

Sometimes the men will feel so sad when they leave some place. When the memories stay in mind, fun, friendship, knowledges, sad, hate etc. here I feel find a new world, although I stay for 3 months but I feel that I have stayed for 1 year. The employees are respect me including my teachers, Mr. ……, Mr. ……….., and Mrs. ……. (I am sorry I can’t tell it anymore, although I don’t tell them each other but Insya Allah, I will always remember them forever)

I can feel so happy here and as a student of SMKN 1 Purwakarta I should say Thank you So much….because You of All have teached me more till I can be a good man in the future because your knowledge , and your knowledges have been Given to me will stay in my mind and I will use it carefully.

And I am as IT, I would like to say thank to Mr. …. ( IT support in PT. Indosat Gallery Purwakarta,Tbk)

May Allah give me knowledge as You have given to him. Amin!!!

With hope in the future I can be like 3 teachers above and IT support. Amin

And I don`t forget (maybe will never forget) when I always make you feel so bored in your own office, I really that I wanna ask sorry and I hope may you can forgive me.

forgive me, please.

I am sorry, may Allah blesses us

May Allah blesses your kindness. Aminn

Thank you Very much,,,,,



Ridwan Mulyana